International Financial Institution

Client Challenge

A bank, struggling with an out-of-control telecom budget following its ambitious US acquisition strategy, faced an enormous challenge after the 9/11 disaster, where its major NY operating center and all telecommunications records were lost. The firm could not even provide a list of accounts or locate many of the carrier invoices, which after 9/11 were sent to numerous new location addresses in NY and NJ. Many replacement services were verbally ordered, creating extensive duplications, and incorrect billing. Even though buildings were destroyed, old circuits and services continued to bill.

Shaheen Solution

We consolidated billing, created a physical inventory to reconcile billing against actual services, and identified duplicate and obsolete circuits. We discovered a rampant carrier double billing by sending duplicate invoices to many old and new locations and also found tariff errors, charges for redundant services, and services no longer in existence. Within the first six months of our audit engagement, Shaheen negotiated low 7-figures of cash refunds.

At that time, the client realized the permanent solution was a comprehensive audit, which Shaheen was awarded in late 2003. The audit included creating a comprehensive database of carrier services, covering 750 accounts and 10,000 circuits. Shaheen negotiated an additional low 8-figures of  vendor refunds and generated high 7-figures of annual savings.

Related Services

Telecom Audit

As the backbone of our engagement, we perform comprehensive and thorough examination of your telecom facilities, services, billing requirements, along with an in-depth analysis of tariffs and contract rates.

Dispute Resolution

As billing discrepancies are discovered and substantiated, we will move forward and negotiate with carriers and vendors in order to obtain your refunds.

Telecom Procurement

We can help you understand the billing and technology aspects of various services to ensure that you take advantage of opportunities to cut costs and operate more efficiently.

About Us

Shaheen & Associates is a leading telecom auditing and cost-containment consulting firm, specializing in obtaining over-billing refunds and generating savings for corporate and public sector clients.

Our Services

Shaheen offers a full range of solutions including audit and recovery services, cost-containment solutions, network validations, wireless optimization, and telecom procurement.

Our Results

For over 28 years, Shaheen has identified telecom over-expenditures and obtained substantial refunds, helping our clients reduce costs and increase productivity.

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P: 914.273.9000
F: 914.273.5188